
is our steadfast commitment that shapes every aspect of our growth as a reliable provider of ingenious business solutions.


is our steadfast commitment that shapes every aspect of our growth as a reliable provider of ingenious business solutions.


From state-of-the-art vehicles that shape today's and tomorrow's mobility, to refrigeration appliances that not only preserve food and prevent energy and food waste but also bring comfort to living spaces; we provide the lifeblood vessels for products that bring value to everyday lives around the globe.

We work resolutely to improve our business as a reliable original equipment manufacturing partner for global leaders of automotive and refrigeration industries, for which environmental and social wellbeing is an integrated business factor, and endeavor wholeheartedly for a better social life, more fairness, and more equality on a sustainable planet.

We are keen to reduce our environmental impact through energy efficiency, renewable energy sourcing, water and resource conservation; while improving our positive social impact in a socially conscient, ethical and compliant manner with a strong commitment to corporate governance and business ethics.

Our Sustainability Commitment & Global Partnerships

Our Sustainability Commitment & Global Partnerships

As a global corporate citizen, we aim to collaborate with our stakeholders to create a better future for all. We are committed to advancing our sustainability goals through a combination of ingenuity and reliability, while recognizing the importance of preserving our planet for future generations and promoting social equity.

As a Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs) signatory and a UN Global Compact participant, we are fully committed to our responsibilities towards society, the environment, and within all our ecosystems. At BANTBORU, ethical principles are a cornerstone of our operations, and we are dedicated to being environmentally, socially, and ethically responsible by continually innovating and improving in all aspects of our operations.

  • We will minimize our carbon footprint and promote energy efficiency, responsible resource use, waste management, and other sustainable practices throughout our operations,
  • We will ensure fair treatment of our employees and partners, actively work to address social and economic inequality in the communities we serve, and
  • We will uphold high ethical standards in all our business dealings.

Our Sustainability Strategy

Our Sustainability Strategy

Our sustainability strategy is based on identifying, understanding, and prioritizing our organization’s and operations’ impacts on the economy, environment, and people. This includes defining prioritized issues for Sustainability and pursuing continuous improvement, as well as transparently reporting our efforts to our stakeholders and other interested parties.

Like all aspects of our business management commitment, transparency, fairness, responsibility, and accountability form the basis of BANTBORU’s sustainability approach.

We define our prioritized issues for Sustainability by identifying, understanding, and prioritizing the impacts of organization and operations on the economy, environment, and people. We are giving consideration to better understand stakeholder expectations, to continuously improve our strategies and endeavors. Our understanding on these expectations provides insight on important environmental, social and governance issues, which helps us set priorities.

  • On environmental issues, we are focusing on Climate Change and reducing Carbon Emissions, Resource Efficiency with a bias on Electricity, Natural Gas and Water, as well as Waste Management.
  • On social issues, we are focusing on Business ethics, Data privacy and security, Human Rights and Working Conditions, Occupational health and safety.

For our 50th anniversary, we have enlarged BANTBORU’s Business Ethics Procedure with a more comprehensive and inclusive content in line with universal business ethics guidelines and instated our Code of Conduct as a binding guide for all our employees, suppliers and all our business stakeholders. Our Code of Conduct unequivocally embraces a position of absolute intolerance towards transgressions of human rights, encompassing steadfast commitments against retribution, coerced labor, prejudicial treatment, and any form of malfeasance. These foundational tenets exemplify our unwavering dedication to upholding ethical benchmarks and fostering an equitable and inclusive workplace.

In all focus areas we are seeking ways and means for continuous improvement, while making these improvements subject to operational procedures and providing in-house workforce trainings where applicable to ensure the integration of our sustainability practices to our operations and business plans.

Materiality* and Stakeholder Engagement

Materiality and Stakeholder Engagement

We identify our key stakeholders as our customers, employees, suppliers and otherwise business and project partners, Government and regulatory bodies, NGOs (as a broader term also referring to UNGC Board and UN Women), media and the community. Engaging with and considering expectations of this stakeholder ecosystem is central to our corporate purpose and our strategy to achieve our sustainability goals and long-term success for our business.

Our materiality priorities are determined based on our company’s sense of responsibility and its urgency and capacity in addressing key issues. Stakeholder insight and universal ESG primacies, as defined by global business and sustainability networks, are also taken into consideration for each sustainability reporting period, which is defined annually in line with universal guidelines. Through these steps, we ensure tangible progress in our sustainability commitment and reporting, aligning our word with our work in line with our core values.

(*): Materiality and its relevant definition and its usage in our website and our sustainability report is different than the definition used in the context of filings with the SEC. Issues deemed material for the purposes of determining our Sustainability strategies & activities and for the purposes of this website and our sustainability report and may not be considered material for SEC reporting purposes.

Sustainability Governance at BANTBORU

"BANTBORU CEO and Board of Management act as Sustainability steering body within the company"

Led by our CEO, the BANTBORU Board of Management is our company’s highest decision-making body. The Board is responsible for setting strategic direction and establishing corporate policies, delegating, and overseeing the management of day-to-day operations; as well as for the overall stewardship of our company’s reputation and corporate well-being.

Our sustainability progress is also an area of stewardship for our CEO, the Board of Management and the Executive Board, for we undertake our responsibilities to our planet, ecosystems, the communities we inhabit, and humanity at large with a universal perspective, on the local and global implications of our actions.

Our CEO provides oversight and executional leadership on our Sustainability strategies and tracks our progress.

With periodic presentations and follow-up meetings, our Board of Management oversees our Sustainability strategies, objectives and activities, opportunities, and related risks, BANTBORU CEO and Board of Management act as Sustainability steering body within the company; offering cross-functional, top-level management insight and input.


Accountable to the Board of Directors and in partnership with our executive leaders, our Sustainability and broad ESG engagement is spearheaded by our BANTBORU HSE, Sustainability & External Communication Department. Our HSE, Sustainability & External Communication Manager and the team directs the design, development, execution and continuous improvement of our ESG strategy, goals and initiatives. The team, as well as our executive leaders are in regular touch with key stakeholders including customers, employees, NGOs, the media and community leaders, providing insights for broader Materiality and Stakeholder Engagement.

BANTBORU executive leaders are our Executive Board member Directors and Department Managers, who undertake executional leadership for all our strategies and day-to-day operations. This leadership is shaped by uncompromising adherence to legal and corporate regulations in all our operational areas and geographical regions, and to BANTBORU Business Ethics Principles (BEPs) which are clearly stated in our Code of Conduct document, and to its related guidelines and procedures; as well an outmost respect to the environment, the society, and the ecosystem.

Our expectancy from all our employees, as well as from our suppliers and business partners is emphasized in BANTBORU Code of Conduct (BANTBORU Business Ethics Principles / BEPs) and BANTBORU Supply Chain Sustainability and Ethical Principles documents. These documents are prepared in line with our sustainable and ethical principles.

Our sustainability reporting periods are defined annually, in line with universal guidelines and our company’s responsibility, urgency, and ability in addressing to the issues.

As BANTBORU is gaining a multi-geographic, multi-cultural identity with our production spanning to an international level with production facilities in 5 locations across 3 continents, we are defining institutional policies and key follow up metrics in line with universal standards for Governance, Human & Labour Right, and Anti-Corruption measures.


Empowering Women

As evident from the concrete examples of female leaders emerging within our company and our equal pay for equal work policies, ensuring that both men and women receive fair compensation for their contributions within our organization, top-level corporate leadership for gender equality is integral to BANTBORU's DNA.

Envisioning a Sustainable Future for Mobility

Our ingenuity and reliability are reflected in our business partnerships for tomorrow’s sustainable mobility as we provide mission-critical parts for electric cars manufactured by global automotive leaders.